The Story of Scotland (illustr: )

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Igoryans, 26 фев 2016.

  1. Igoryans

    Igoryans Гордей

    Richard Brassey
    The Story of Scotland (illustr: )


    Издательство: Orion Books
    Жанр: Orion Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 40
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The story of Scotland from the Ice Age to the Vikings, the Picts and the Romans, to Robert the Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Flora Macdonald, Sir Walter Scott, Logie Baird, Keir Hardie and many more famous Scots up to the present day. Each page is packed with colourful pictures and witty captions and speech bubbles, and a pithy text gives the facts and tells the story.This is a fun book, but it covers the material in a way that will make it attractive both to schools and to tourists. With NESSIE, THE LOCH NESS MONSTER a continuing bestseller in Scotland, Richard Brassey is the perfect author/illustrator for a book that should have a long life ahead. His co-author, Stewart Ross, is an ex-teacher with a special interest in Scottish history.


  2. Alexfonat

    Alexfonat Артемий

    Спасибо за книгу.

  3. Igoryans

    Igoryans Гордей


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