Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Freesan, 24 сен 2014.

  1. Freesan

    Freesan Милослав Ж.

    Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack


    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Жанр: Cambridge University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 182
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Cambridge University Press is the only official publisher of exam papers from Cambridge ESOL. This set contains four complete tests for the CAE exam. They provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content of the exam and to practise exam techniques. Attractive colour visual material for Paper 5 is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the paired interview (Paper 5). The 'with answers' edition also contains a comprehensive section of keys, transcripts of the recorded material, a guide to each paper and an insight into marking procedures and grading, with sample answers, making it ideal for self-study. The Audio CD set contains the recorded material for the aural component of the exam (Paper 4). Some of the material for the tests in this book has been previously published in Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 6, now updated to reflect the latest FCE exam specifications.


  2. Tigrenok

    Tigrenok Вадим Т.

    Давно искал! Спасибо!

  3. HiroHito

    HiroHito Самсон


  4. Freesan

    Freesan Милослав Ж.


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