American Impressionism

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем XAnTY, 27 сен 2014.

  1. XAnTY

    XAnTY Ярослав

    William H.Gerdts
    American Impressionism


    Издательство: Abbeville Press
    Жанр: Abbeville Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 368
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    This book has long satisfied the ever-growing passion for American Impressionism. It is the definitive study of the subject, filled with information and insight garnered through many years of far-ranging research. All the masterworks are here, from Childe Hassam's sun-drenched gardens to John Twachtman's snow-silenced landscapes, from Edmund Tarbell's coolly elegant ladies in dim, luxurious parlors to Frederick Friseke's voluptuous, sun-dappled nudes. Documentary photographs of the artists and quotations from their private letters and journals complement the text and provide a vivid sense of their lives and times. The fascinating text is now updated and expanded with a new chapter discussing in detail the themes particular to the American artists of the Impressionist movement. Twenty-five new illustrations have been added, nineteen in color. Three hundred entries have been added to the bibliography, bringing it up to date with the most current research in the field.


  2. Fllik

    Fllik Лаврентий

    Спасибо за книгу.

  3. XAnTY

    XAnTY Ярослав


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