Make this Roman Amphitheatre

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Grizonsky, 30 окт 2013.

  1. Grizonsky

    Grizonsky Харитон

    Ashman Iain
    Make this Roman Amphitheatre


    Издательство: Usborne
    Жанр: Usborne

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 32
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    This is a brand new edition of the Cut-out Roman Ampitheatre. Each page contains pieces which children can cut-out and glue to create the amphitheatre itself, as well as the inhabitants of the amphitheatre including gladiators and senators. Crammed with intricate details and with flaps which open to reveal the amphitheatre's secrets, this book is guaranteed to keep kids entertained even after it has been built. It includes full assembly details and instructions.


  2. Barbudo

    Barbudo Арсений Р.

    Опять муть выложили, неужели такие книги еще кто-то скачивает?

  3. Grizonsky

    Grizonsky Харитон

    Представьте себе.

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