Hieronymus Bosch

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Qiwifuck, 2 ноя 2014.

  1. Qiwifuck

    Qiwifuck Александр

    Hieronymus Bosch


    Издательство: Prestel
    Жанр: Prestel

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 32
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Big art for little hands, this enchanting activity book allows young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms and with plenty of space to color outside the lines. This delightful children's activity book is published to mark the 75th year since the Prado in Madrid acquired the Garden of Earthly Delights triptych and the quincentenary of the artist's death in 2016. This coloring book introduces children to the amazing landscapes, fantastic fruits and flowers, and fabulous animals which Bosch painted more than 500 years ago and we hope will inspire young readers to create their own imaginative works of art.


  2. Soldador

    Soldador Сергей


  3. Qiwifuck

    Qiwifuck Александр

    Чуть выше, если что, есть кнопочка Спасибо. Можно на нее нажать. :)

  4. Websanya

    Websanya Кондратий

    Спасибо за ваш труд!

  5. Qiwifuck

    Qiwifuck Александр


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