Hurricane Punch

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Ortega, 25 июл 2013.

  1. Ortega

    Ortega Гордей

    Tim Dorsey
    Hurricane Punch


    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 384
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    That lovable, under-undermedicated dispenser of truth, justice, and trivia is back with a vengeance—just as his cherished home state is about to take a beating from a conga line of hurricanes bearing down on the peninsula. But as Serge and his burnout buddy Coleman go storm-chasing, bodies begin turning up at a disturbing rate, even by Florida standards. It looks like a serial killer is on the loose—another serial killer—which highly offends Serge's moral sensibilities. And he vows he'll stop at nothing to unmask his thrill-killing rival and make All Things Right—though Coleman's triathlete approach to the sport of polyabuse binging threatens to derail the mission more completely than the entire combined Sunshine State police community could ever hope to.


  2. Boombaster

    Boombaster Владимир М.

    Отвратительная книга, зря ее вообще качал.

  3. Ortega

    Ortega Гордей

    Уж лучше скачать и разочароваться, чем купить и расстроиться.

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