Up Close and Personal

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Macedonian, 27 июл 2015.

  1. Macedonian

    Macedonian Аркадий Ч.

    Leonie Fox
    Up Close and Personal


    Издательство: Penguin Group
    Жанр: Penguin Group

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 352
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Juliet, Nicole and Yasmin are best friends forever. They are stunning, sexy and anything but sensible. Yasmin is a straight-talking game player who's got no-strings sex down to a T. So why is she suddenly craving commitment from the one man she can't have? Nicole is trapped in a passionless marriage but tangled up in a passionate affair. Should she risk the safety of her happy-ever-after for something that's oh so sexy but oh so risky? They both envy Juliet who seems to have it all. She's bagged a gorgeous toyboy of a husband but is she still entertaining naughty thoughts about a dangerous old flame? These girls will go to the ends of the earth for one another... and any lengths to get their men. But when everything starts to unravel, will they chose close friendship — or sex?


  2. FatPuzo

    FatPuzo Мефодий О.

    Отвратительная книга, зря ее вообще качал.

  3. Macedonian

    Macedonian Аркадий Ч.

    Уж лучше скачать и разочароваться, чем купить и расстроиться.

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