State Capitalism

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Poljak, 28 дек 2014.

  1. Poljak

    Poljak Роман Новожилов

    State Capitalism


    Издательство: Marston Book Services
    Жанр: Marston Book Services

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 1648
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    This book takes as its starting point the question of whether contemporary state capitalism simply uses different tools than earlier or other variants of capitalism, or whether it is an altogether new kind of economic regime. It brings together key research and commentary which will help to define the concept of contemporary state capitalism as an economic model and present a nuanced view of state capitalism in action. The editor has selected the articles on the basis of their academic merit, but has also included articles representative of the specific academic climate of a certain time such as Marxist-based concepts. Although these may look 'out-of date' or have been dismissed as unsatisfactory, they are nevertheless important for an understanding of the development of the debate.


  2. Coolcove

    Coolcove Вадим

    Отвратительная книга, зря ее вообще качал.

  3. Poljak

    Poljak Роман Новожилов

    Уж лучше скачать и разочароваться, чем купить и расстроиться.

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