Game of Thrones: House Targaryen (ruled)

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Cherianov, 27 сен 2015.

  1. Cherianov

    Cherianov Никифор Ж.

    Game of Thrones: House Targaryen (ruled)


    Издательство: Insight
    Жанр: Insight

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    House Targaryen is an ancient and powerful family recently unseated from its long-held position on the Iron Throne. The Targaryen’s history is forever entwined with the dragons they once used to conquer Westeros, and it is no surprise that the fearsome creature adorns their sigil. Capable of beneficence, yet merciless when crossed, House Targaryen has a reputation for laying fiery waste to those who oppose their dominance of the Seven Kingdoms.


  2. Akkludator

    Akkludator Богуслав М.

    Супер, понравилась.

  3. Launch

    Launch Никифор З.

    Спасибо, скачал.

  4. Cherianov

    Cherianov Никифор Ж.

    Все? Можно удалять? :)

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