Dictionary of Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Processing

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем GrafDR, 6 янв 2014.

  1. GrafDR

    GrafDR Максим

    Dictionary of Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Processing


    Издательство: Taylor and Francis
    Жанр: Taylor and Francis

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 478
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    In industry, miscommunication can cause frustration, create downtime, and even trigger equipment failure. By providing a common ground for more effective discourse, the Dictionary of Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Processing can help eliminate costly miscommunication. An essential resource for oil, gas, and petrochemical industry professionals, engineers, academic staff, and science and engineering students, the dictionary defines over 5,000 technical and commercial terms encompassing exploration, production, processing, refining, pipelining, finance, management, and safety. From basic engineering principles to the latest drilling technology, the text covers the fundamentals and their real-world applications. Alphabetically arranged for quick reference, it contains easy-to-understand descriptions and figures, as well as oil and gas SI units and metric equivalents. Industry newcomers and personnel with no technical background especially benefit from the book’s practical language that clearly demonstrates the concepts behind the definitions.


  2. Ovakd

    Ovakd Прокофий С.


  3. GrafDR

    GrafDR Максим


  4. Emyle

    Emyle Антон

    Еле нашел...

  5. GrafDR

    GrafDR Максим

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