Tony Linkson John O'Reilly Re-charge Your Design Batteries Издательство: Rockport Publishers Жанр: Rockport Publishers Качество: Хорошее Страниц: 176 Формат: pdf, fb2, epub Recharge Your Design Batteries is a general resource for graphic designers and visual creatives, who have the desire to broaden their horizons and inject a new level of innovation into their work. This inspirational and practical book explores the creative process, and how to keep it fed and stimulated. All too often, busy designers have little time to let their imaginations loose on a project, which is constrained by a client, a budget, and a deadline. Recharge Your Design Batteries shows designers working beyond their day-to-day situation on alternative tasks, intended to truly flex their creative muscles. The book explores a wide range of techniques and practical challenges aimed at inspiring broader creative thinking and reawakening potential. Whether it’s jumping out of an airplane or traveling to India, creating a daily drawing on a given theme or writing a graphic novel, designers share the experiences and practices which provided the raw material for exceptional design projects. This book will challenge designers to try something new. A one-stop tome for techniques to stimulate creative thinking Contains inspirational examples of awareness-raising tactics and the stunning work that resulted Interviews and anecdotes from international designers offer first-hand evidence of boosted creativity.