A Failed Parricide: Hegel and the Young Marx

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Webirk, 16 июн 2016.

  1. Webirk

    Webirk Андрей

    A Failed Parricide: Hegel and the Young Marx


    Издательство: Brill
    Жанр: Brill

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 282
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «According to an established interpretation, the transition from Hegel s materialism to Marx s materialism signifies a progressive development from an abstract-idealist theory of becoming, to a theory of the concrete actions of human beings within history. «A Failed Parricide» by Roberto Finelli offers an innovative reading of the Marx-Hegel relationship, arguing that the young Marx remained structurally subaltern to Hegel s distinctive conception of the subject that becomes itself in relation to alterity. Marx s early critique of Hegel is represented as a failed parricide, relying upon an organicist and spiritualist anthropology derived from Feuerbach s presumed materialism. Only in Marx s mature critique of political economy will he be able to return to this primal scene and produce a distinctive theory of the role of formal determinations in social and political modernity. First published in Italian by Bollati Borighieri Editore as «Un parricidio mancato. Il rapporto tra Hegel e il giovane Marx,» Turin, 2004.»


  2. Seopay

    Seopay Роман З.


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