Amy Butler's Style Stitches: 12 Easy Ways to 26 Wonderful Bags

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Alexieze, 6 окт 2014.

  1. Alexieze

    Alexieze Харитон Цепов

    Butler Amy
    Amy Butler's Style Stitches: 12 Easy Ways to 26 Wonderful Bags


    Издательство: Abrams
    Жанр: Abrams

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 184
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    SALES HANDLE: Amy Butler, author of resounding successes In Stitches (over 70,000 copies in print) and Little Stitches for Little Ones (over 30,000 copies in print), turns her attention to handbags, offering 12 patterns and tons of fun variations to make 26 fabulous bags. DISTINCTIVE: This is the first handbag sewing book backed by a superstar author with huge brand reach. Amy's signature fresh, modern style combined with our popular user-friendly format — Wire-O binding with a bound-in pattern pocket — will sets this apart from the competition. TREND/CONSUMER: We hear from craft accounts that their consumers will buy anything with Amy Butler's name on it, and bags are among her most popular products! Plus, sewing is still hot: Jo Ann, Hancock, and other key craft accounts continue to list sewing as their top selling category. In addition, fashion sewing is a growing trend, as proven by the success of shows like Project Runway, etc — this book is perfect for that audience. VALUE: Amy Butler's hugely popular bag sewing patterns sell for $12 each. Her coveted handbags cost between $50 and $200 a piece. STYLE STITCHES is a total steal, offering 12 brand-new patterns plus instructions and techniques to get 26 bags for just $29.95! NOTABLE AUTHOR: Amy is a celebrity in the crafting community and her brand continues to grow. In 2009 alone, she released a new bedding collection, a line of rugs, a collection of desktop accessories, and numerous new fabrics and sewing patterns. She has been featured on national programs on MSNBC, HGTV and PBS. Her Web site ( averages 65,000/day, and after press or promotions exceeds 200,000/day. FOREIGN POTENTIAL: Amy Butler's products are available in every US state and distributed globally in 13 countries: Aus, Canada, New Zealand, S. Korea, UK, Taiwan, Germany, S. Africa, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Singapore, Norway. Her previous books have sold in the UK, Germany, China, and other locations. RELEVANT SALES INFO: Amy's other books have sold extremely well for us: In Stitches has grossed 63,979 and Little Stitches has grossed 29,868.


  2. Yasvami

    Yasvami Митрофан Ш.


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