Appointment in Samarra

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Webvek, 1 июл 2015.

  1. Webvek

    Webvek Владимир К.

    O'Hara John
    Appointment in Samarra


    Издательство: Random House, Inc.
    Жанр: Random House, Inc.

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 272
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Appointment in Samarra is a fast-paced, blackly comic depiction of the rapid decline and fall of Julian English. English is part of the social elite of his 1930s American hometown but from the moment he impetuously throws a cocktail in the face of one of his powerful business associates his life begins to spiral out of control — taking his loving but troubled marriage with it.


  2. Waldteufel

    Waldteufel Константин Н.

    Еле нашел...

  3. Webvek

    Webvek Владимир К.

    Всегда рад помочь.

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