Architecture Now: Houses. Vol. 3

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Mcgregor, 29 июл 2014.

  1. Mcgregor

    Mcgregor Трофим Н.

    Jodidio Philip
    Architecture Now: Houses. Vol. 3


    Издательство: Taschen
    Жанр: Taschen

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 416
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «Open house. Tour the world's most exceptional recent homes. This third installment in our popular «Architecture Now! Houses» series includes 60 of the most dramatic new residences around the world. See the extraordinary House Turtle designed by the artists Carten Holler and Marcel Odenbach in Biriwa, Ghana; visit Tadao Ando's dramatic House in Monterrey, Mexico, or take off to see the Flight of Birds House in the Azores by Bernardo Rodrigues. More than any magazine or website, this new book allows you to explore the most beautiful and spectacular houses, both inside and out. These private worlds, designed by some of the most talented architects of the moment, suddenly open their doors to you for a private tour. As in all the «Architecture Now!» books, the houses are presented with photos and drawings, but so too are the architects, with their project lists and their addresses for those who may be tempted to ask Shigeru Ban to design an 800-square-meter house on a cliff in Sri Lanka for them (Villa Vista). But even if the budget for such extravagance is lacking curiosity will surely bring you to plunge into «Architecture Now! Houses 3».»


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