Avec Tolstoi

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем DEsire, 25 май 2014.

  1. DEsire

    DEsire Кондратий С.

    Fernandez D.
    Avec Tolstoi


    Издательство: Livre de Poche
    Жанр: Livre de Poche

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 336
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Charmeur, coquin, roublard et fieffе menteur, Baudolino, aprеs une rencontre dont le rеcit restera un joyau de la fantaisie d'Umberto Eco, devient l'homme de confiance et le fin conseiller de l'empereur This book attempts to sketch some avenues in an immense work. With Dominique Fernandez, one travels the world freely Tolstoy, you will appreciate the accuracy of tone, this calm, this measure him against the frenzy of his rival, Dostoyevsky. In addition to the three masterpieces War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Resurrection, dozens of short stories and essays explore all aspects of human endeavor. Tolstoy, who placed his work under the double sign of sexuality and death, is more than ever our contemporain.Par author Ramon, one of our best writers (as low academic that was Tolstoy), the true subversive portrait of Russian literature. Passion, erudition, nuances, depth: the opposite of a biography: a novel. Annick Geille, The Magazine of books.


  2. ZloyLorD

    ZloyLorD Гаврил


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    Asscol Мефодий


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