Barbarossa: 1941-1945

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Liver, 1 мар 2016.

  1. Liver

    Liver Иннокентий Т.

    Clark Alan
    Barbarossa: 1941-1945


    Издательство: Orion Books
    Жанр: Orion Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 544
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Carefully researched and beautifully written, this book is a classic of military history. Alan Clark vividly narrates the course of the dramatic and brutal war between the German and Russians on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. From the invasion of Russia mounted on Midsummer's Day 1941 and the German Army's advance to the outskirts of Moscow, to the terrible turning point of Stalingrad and the eventual defeat of the Nazis at the Fall of Berlin after the hard years of fighting and advance by the Red Army, this is epic history narrated by a master.


    • barbarossa.pdf
      Размер файла:
      6 685 КБ
    • barbarossa.fb2
      Размер файла:
      2 931 КБ
    • barbarossa.epub
      Размер файла:
      1 299 КБ

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