Batsford's Cambridge Then and Now

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем MfeaR, 23 сен 2015.

  1. MfeaR

    MfeaR Самсон А.

    Grylls Vaughan
    Batsford's Cambridge Then and Now


    Издательство: Anova Books
    Жанр: Anova Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 144
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Cambridge Then and Now is the latest in the long-running series that uncovers archive photos of the landmark sites of a city and re-photographs them from exactly the same viewpoint today. Cambridge Then and Now features vintage photos that date back to the Victorian era, through the twentieth century up until the early 1960s. And while many of the colleges have remained remarkably similar; the cars, the bikes and the fashion on the street has changed a great deal. Cambridge sites include: King's College, Queen's College, St.John's College, Trinity Hall College, Peterhouse, Magadalene College, Pembroke College, Jesus College, Jesus Green, Parker's Piece, the Mathematical Bridge, Great St. Mary's Church, the Corn Exchange, the Arts Theatre, Grantchester Rectory and the American Cemetery.


  2. Neonlite

    Neonlite Константин Р.


  3. Germanarih

    Germanarih Валерий Ч.

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