Batsford's Manchester Then and Now

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Vjmarcus, 14 дек 2015.

  1. Vjmarcus

    Vjmarcus Виталий А.

    Schofield Jonathan
    Batsford's Manchester Then and Now


    Издательство: Anova Books
    Жанр: Anova Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 144
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Manchester Then and Now visually charts the huge changes that have affected the city from the 1860s. The building of the ship canal in the late Victorian era turned Manchester into the UK's third biggest port. The industrial boom of the 1930s and postwar bust followed by the regeneration with the Commonwealth Games are all featured in a book that includes some spectacular aerial comparisons. This is a wonderful visual guide to Manchester, past and present. Some 70 historic photographs of Manchester's past are paired with specially commissioned contemporary views taken from the same vantage point. You can see the same streets and buildings as they were 'then' and as they are 'now'. The book features the changes to the city created by the massive IRA bomb of 1996, the demolition of some of the 1960s architecture and its redevelopment, the conversion of old mills to modern apartments and the renaissance of the Salford Quays as sought-after residential areas. Some of the recent strong setpiece buildings of Manchester are also included, such as the futuristic Imperial War Museum North and the 169-m tall Beetham Tower. And, of course, the evolution of the city's sports stadia is charted with images of Old Trafford Main Road, the Belle Vue stadium and Lancashire County Cricket's Old Trafford test area. Part of the bestselling Then and Now series, this charming contrast of old and new photographs highlights the stunning changes — and the equally amazing similarities — of one of the most dynamic cities in Britain, its well-known places but also some of its hidden gems. This title features one of Britain's liveliest cities 'then' — with archive photography — and 'now'. It includes Salford Quays from working dock to chic living apartments. It features the city's iconic sports stadia through the ages. It is a wonderful visual guide to Manchester from the 19th century to today.


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