Brain Training for Babies

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Adodin, 6 дек 2015.

  1. Adodin

    Adodin Родион Минаков

    Lowe Fergus
    Brain Training for Babies


    Издательство: Hodder&Stoughton
    Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton

    Качество: Хорошее
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Kick-start your baby's progress in life with this brilliant source of games, exercises and ideas, all of which have been proven to improve your child's intellectual development. It uses cutting-edge research, delivered by an author team which includes a leading child psychologist and a mother of two, to give you unparalleled insight into the miracle of your baby's mind and what really works to enhance it (and what doesn't). There are hundreds of 'brain training' games for you to try out with your baby, boosting everything from their language to their physical development, in a book which is fun, but stress-free, and essential reading for any and every parent interested in self-development — both their own and that of their children.


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    XenOnchik Самсон


  3. Rasta

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