Christmas is Coming

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Seolexer, 27 окт 2014.

  1. Seolexer

    Seolexer Георгий

    Boettcher Karl-Heinz
    Christmas is Coming


    Издательство: Klett
    Жанр: Klett

    Качество: Хорошее
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Christmas is coming, comprising comprehensive teacher's notes and a set of copy masters, is here to help teachers make the most of the weeks leading up to Christmas in their classrooms. All the material has been carefully selected and well-tested to suit pupils in their first years of learning English in secondary schools. Teachers can choose between complete lessons or short Christmassy sequences, which can be used whenever time allows. There are Christmas carols and songs, stories, modelling instructions for making decorations and gifts, recipes, fun pages and plenty of background information about Christmas in Britain. The worksheets and songs can be used in any order. Modern arrangements of all the carols and songs have been recorded especially for the target group and are available on the audio CD which accompanies this book. It contains 11 Christmas cards and songs with playback.


  2. Shush

    Shush Прокофий


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