Fleur Britten Debrett's Etiquette for Girls Издательство: ACC Distribution Жанр: ACC Distribution Качество: Хорошее Страниц: 224 Формат: pdf, fb2, epub «- Sassy, metropolitan, chic: the modern girl's guide to good living — «Etiquette for Girls» explains how to behave with ease and style in every social situation — With advice on all aspects of 16-30-year-old life, this is the need-to-know bible for girls who want to get it right — Beautifully illustrated and finished with full-colour photography throughout The ultimate girl's guide to getting it right. Etiquette is a revisionist business. New rules are constantly appearing and old ones evolving. A modern survival manual is called for, to lay out the new rules, to point out the pitfalls and to ensure damage limitation. Debrett's, the trusted authority on all matters etiquette, have created the essential guide to life for every girl about town. «Etiquette for Girls» reassuringly explains how to behave with ease and style in every social situation, covering man management (from flirting to one-night stands and breaking up), what to wear, dining out, socialising and entertaining at home, getting ahead at work, etiquette for social occasions (including festivals, polo and private jets), conversational no-nos and avoiding dreaded social sins. Etiquette has re-entered the zeitgeist. Social success lies in forethought and understanding, so switch on and prepare to prosper.»