English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Gubenkop, 18 мар 2013.

  1. Gubenkop

    Gubenkop Данил

    McCarthy Michael
    English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-Intermediate


    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Жанр: Cambridge University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 316
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The third in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from elementary to advanced level. Vocabulary is clearly presented and contextualised on left-hand pages with practice activities on facing right-hand pages. This top-selling vocabulary book is now available with a CD-ROM offering hundreds of completely new exercises. The CD-ROM has a built-in dictionary with full definitions and example sentences of key vocabulary. Students can listen to audio recordings, create their own tests and make personal notes within the dictionary.


  2. A-rogalev

    A-rogalev Гаврил

    Очень полезная книга, спасибо!

  3. Gubenkop

    Gubenkop Данил

    Всегда пожалуйста!

  4. A-rogalev

    A-rogalev Гаврил

    Я не вам, я про автора/издательство!

  5. Heyou

    Heyou Мирослав М.

    Хех... :)

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