Erotic Comics: A Graphic History. Volume 2. From the 1970s to the Present Day

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Vikan, 15 сен 2015.

  1. Vikan

    Vikan Кондратий Л.

    Pilcher Tim
    Erotic Comics: A Graphic History. Volume 2. From the 1970s to the Present Day


    Издательство: Thames&Hudson
    Жанр: Thames and Hudson

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The liberating underground comix of the 1960s heralded an explosion in the genre of erotic comics, and this volume picks up the story to show how European, American and Asian artists have explored the graphic possibilities of the form in the years since. Well-known names covered include Melinda Gebbie, Giovanna Casotto (whose work graces the cover), Tom of Finland and Milo Manara. This provocative title covers the erotic comics explosion in the mid-80s; the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender comics scene; UK and European comics creators since the 70s; and, Japanese hentai. The book features an exclusive foreword by Alan Moore, multi-award-winning writer of Watchmen, V for Vendetta and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.


  2. CreoUse

    CreoUse Иннокентий

    Спасибо, скачал.

  3. Vikan

    Vikan Кондратий Л.

    Все? Можно удалять? :)

  4. NikitaGO

    NikitaGO Герман Елизаров


  5. Vikan

    Vikan Кондратий Л.

    Чуть выше, если что, есть кнопочка Спасибо. Можно на нее нажать. :)

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