Fish: Delicious Recipes for Fish and Shellfish

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Russki, 12 фев 2016.

  1. Russki

    Russki Вадим

    Follas Mat
    Fish: Delicious Recipes for Fish and Shellfish


    Издательство: Ryland Peters & Small
    Жанр: Ryland Peters and Small

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 176
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Organised by fish type, Mat's guide to preparing and enjoying fish teaches you how best to cook with all the varieties of this wonderful ingredient. Whether you are cooking with pink, white, raw, smoked, grilled fish; trying clams, mussels, crab or lobster for the first time, he demystifies the art of preparing and cooking with fish. Recipes include Cured Salmon Gravadlax; Wasabi-crusted Tuna Steak; Squid Ink Risotto; Mackerel Ceviche; Anchovy & Potato Gratin; Trout en Papillote; Vietnamese Fried Tilapia with Crispy Seaweed; Plaice Goujons with Tartar Sauce Dip; Brill Pho; Halibut Steak with Cider Cream Sauce; Thai Fish Cakes; Goan Fish Curry; Seafood Gumbo; Haddock with Bubble & Squeak and Poached Eggs; Oysters Rockefeller; Moules Mariniere; Spaghetti Vongole; Stuffed Razor Clams; Scallops with Chorizo; Crab Thermidor; Kashmir Prawn Curry and Lobster Bisque; as well as a selection of recipes for basic stocks and sauces. Also includes information on simple drinks matches to enjoy, step-by-steps explaining how to prepare fish for cooking and an at-a-glance reference of the names of fish internationally.


    • fish.pdf
      Размер файла:
      2 158 КБ
    • fish.fb2
      Размер файла:
      944 КБ
    • fish.epub
      Размер файла:
      416 КБ

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