Heavenly Himalayas

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем MacDaker, 14 май 2014.

  1. MacDaker

    MacDaker Василий Ломов

    Heavenly Himalayas


    Издательство: Prestel
    Жанр: Prestel

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 176
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    From the first century BCE to the thirteenth century, Kashmir was a thriving center of Buddhist culture and art. The rise of Islamic peoples led to the destruction of all temples constructed there during the Buddhist era. Yet in the remote Himalayas of Ladakh and other neighboring locations, a few of these archaeological and artistic treasures are exquisitely preserved and are reproduced here for the first time. This volume takes readers on a journey through these remote sites, focusing especially on the amazing temple complex of Mangyu. The chapels, shrines, and dazzling murals presented here not only reveal much about late Mahayana Buddhism in India-its art, culture, and history-but also help fill a gap in our knowledge of the development of early Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.


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