Invitation to a Beheading

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Donpwa, 29 янв 2015.

  1. Donpwa

    Donpwa Сидор Л.

    Invitation to a Beheading


    Издательство: Penguin Group
    Жанр: Penguin Group

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «Written in Berlin in 1934, «Invitation to a Beheading» contains all the surprise, excitement and magical intensity of a work created in two brief weeks of sustained inspiration. It takes us into the fantastic prison-world of Cincinnatus, a man condemned to death and spending his last days in prison not quite knowing when the end will come. Nabokov described the book as 'a violin in a void. The worldling will deem it a trick. Old men will hurriedly turn from it to regional romances and the lives of public figures ...The evil-minded will perceive in little Emmie a sister of little Lolita ...But I know a few readers who will jump up, ruffling their hair'.»


  2. Crable

    Crable Максим Проконов

    Ну нормальная книга.

  3. Darkvar

    Darkvar Капитон


  4. Donpwa

    Donpwa Сидор Л.

    Чуть выше, если что, есть кнопочка Спасибо. Можно на нее нажать. :)

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