Italian Renaissance

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Puttnikk, 31 янв 2014.

  1. Puttnikk

    Puttnikk Антон Ф.

    Toman Rolf
    Italian Renaissance


    Издательство: H.F. Ullmann
    Жанр: Ullmann

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 464
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The Italian Renaissance is among the most glamorousepochs of European art. Art historians as well as a widepublic are fascinated by three centuries of exceptionallyprolific artistic creation that produced works ofinternational fame such as Michelangelo's frescos in theSistine Chapel. The cityscapes of the great centers ofthat time would be vastly different without theirRenaissance architecture — cities like Florence, Rome, and Venice are veritable museums of an epoch whose art remains vital and influential even today. Impressive illustrations of works from every branch ofthe fine arts feature prominently in this book, which not only competently explains various aspects of Renaissance art, but also invites readers to observethem closely with its fabulous pictures.


  2. Rocksnake

    Rocksnake Валерий М.


  3. Serhot

    Serhot Павел Шумков

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