Jan Jansen

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Tonyo, 21 апр 2015.

  1. Tonyo

    Tonyo Герасим

    Tonko Dop
    Jan Jansen


    Издательство: ACC Distribution
    Жанр: ACC Distribution

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    or over forty years, Jan Jansen has been designing and selling shoes. His designs include the clog of 1969, the bamboo shoe of 1973 and the floating wedge of 1989. He has worked with some of the world's most renowned designers, such as Dior, Manolo Blahnik, Stephane Kélian and Charles Joudan. He has received many prestigious awards — including the Grand Seigneur Prize by the Fashion Association in 1996 — and his work has been exhibited all over the world. This book illustrates fifty of the very best Jan Jansen designs, offering an insight into the life and the inspiration of this top designer. Jan Jansen's shoes have been exhibited all over the world, including: Stedelijk Museum for Modern Art, Amsterdam; Gemeentemuseum den Haag, The Netherlands; Museum of Contemporary Crafts, New York; Worldexhibition, Montreal; Crafts Council, London; Matsuya Ginza, Tokyo; Hanshin, Osaka, Japan; Halle Sud, Geneva, Switzerland; Rheinisches Landenmuseum, Bonn, Germany; Ledermuseum, Offenbach, Germany; 2004 + 2005 exhibitions in Japan, sponsored by the Mainichi Newspapers, Japan.


    • jan-jansen.pdf
      Размер файла:
      2 355 КБ
    • jan-jansen.fb2
      Размер файла:
      1 030 КБ
    • jan-jansen.epub
      Размер файла:
      454 КБ
  2. Podowar

    Podowar Валерий


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