Let's Look On Seashore + 30 reusable stickers

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Alexandru, 27 фев 2014.

  1. Alexandru

    Alexandru Валентин

    Caz Buckingham
    Let's Look On Seashore + 30 reusable stickers


    Издательство: Bounce Mix
    Жанр: Bounce Mix

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 18
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «The seashore is an exciting place to be at any time of year. This engaging activity book takes a look at the most common coastal creatures and plants, and is ideal for getting children outside and giving them something fun to do. It includes a general introduction to this habitat, plus an array of fascinating facts and a close-up look at the world of shells. At the heart of the book lies the easy and hard «what can you spot?» pages, with a colorful picture gallery of sea life to find and tick off. When children aren't out and about looking for things on the seashore, there are 30 stickers to use on the fold-out seashore play scene at the back of the book.»


  2. Twist

    Twist Сергей Л.

    Автор молодчинка, спасибо за книгу!

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