Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (New Edition): Test File

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем MarDmi, 16 ноя 2015.

  1. MarDmi

    MarDmi Валентин

    Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (New Edition): Test File


    Издательство: Pearson
    Жанр: Pearson

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 48
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    From the world's most informed business sources... a new language course for tomorrow's business leaders. Pre-lntermediate New Edition Market Leader is part of a distinctive, five-level business English course. Drawing on the extensive media assets of the Financial Times and other sources, the course offers a highly authoritative and flexible range of materials for business English learners worldwide. Essential business content and skills. Critical business issues of our time: topics include selling online, marketing and new business. Case studies in each Course Book unit for real practice key business skills Choice and Flexibility. The wide range of components support teachers and offer choice and flexibility. The Test File provides 5 photocopiable tests — an entry test, 3 progress tests, and an exit test. It includes sections which follow the format of the CambridgeВЕС exams.


  2. Maesttro

    Maesttro Лаврентий В.

    Огромное спасибо!

  3. MarDmi

    MarDmi Валентин

    Всегда пожалуйста!

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