Medea and Other Plays

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Supkuze, 30 авг 2013.

  1. Supkuze

    Supkuze Мирослав

    Medea and Other Plays


    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Жанр: Oxford University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 272
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Euripides was one of the most popular and controversial of all Greek tragedians, and his plays are marked by an independence of thought, ingenious dramatic devices, and a subtle variety of register and mood. He is also remarkable for the prominence he gave to female characters, whether heroines of virtue or vice. This new translation does full justice to Euripides's range of tone and gift of narrative. A lucid introduction provides substantial analysis of each play, complete with vital explanations of the traditions and background to Euripides's world.


  2. Ortega

    Ortega Гордей


  3. Maxcasher

    Maxcasher Илларион


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