New Orleans 2008

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Inergetik, 1 июл 2015.

  1. Inergetik

    Inergetik Станислав Ж.

    New Orleans 2008


    Издательство: Random House, Inc.
    Жанр: Random House, Inc.

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 288
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «Stroll through the French Quarter, sample the city's distinctive Creole cuisine, listen to the best live music, or take a post-Katrina drive to remember the victims – Fodor's New Orleans 2008 offers all these experiences and more! Our local writers have traveled throughout the country to find the best hotels, restaurants, attractions and activities to prepare you for a journey of stunning variety. Before you leave for your trip be sure to pack your Fodor's guide to ensure you don't miss a thing. The San Francisco Chronicle sums it up best –»Fodor's guides are saturated with information.» — We frequently update our New Orleans guide, and we make every effort to bring you the most accurate and thorough book. Plus we provide timely updates about the area at — Unlike other travel books, Fodor's guides rely heavily on local experts who know the territory best–so you know you're seeing the real New Orleans. — We give you the planning tools you need to tailor your trip. We give options for all budgets. You make the choices.»


  2. Ulric

    Ulric Прокофий Сурков

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