Oxford First Atlas Paperback

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем ADrug, 8 ноя 2015.

  1. ADrug

    ADrug Тихон

    Oxford First Atlas Paperback


    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Жанр: Oxford University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 48
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The Oxford First Atlas is an accessible and informative atlas for young learners in their first years at school. It is completely up-to-date, and features accurate and easy-to-read colourful mapping presented in an accessible visual layout based on research into how young children use maps. It encourages children to learn about their world and develop atlas and map skills. It includes: * A simple introduction to Planet Earth and places around the world * Clear and colourful maps of the world and all the continents. * Clear and colourful thematic maps showing coasts, rivers, mountains, the weather, environments, cities, animals, and holidays. * Colourful photographs * Fascinating facts about places and people. * Questions that encourage children to think and engage with the maps The Oxford First Atlas is accompanied by a Teacher's Handbook for practical page-by-page guidance on using the atlas, an Activity Book for independent work to develop map skills, and an e-Atlas CD-ROM providing an interactive version of the atlas for whole-class display.


  2. Cashroof

    Cashroof Матвей Комлев

    Спасибо за ваш труд!

  3. ADrug

    ADrug Тихон


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