Painless Math Word Problems

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем SURGIAN, 9 сен 2014.


    SURGIAN Валентин Г.

    Marcie F. Abramson
    Painless Math Word Problems


    Издательство: Barron's Ed
    Жанр: Barron's Ed

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 320
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «This revised title helps middle school and high school students see patterns in math word problems, and then make the correct computations to solve them. In the process, they work with decimals and fractions, compare rates, and work with proportions and percents. The author presents everyday real-world examples which use problem-solving strategies that align with those of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The examples are presented in easy to understand language and formats that help guide students through problems in statistics, probability, and even a few fundamentals of algebra. Problems are presented in short-answer and open-response form to match those in many state assessment tests. Titles in «Barron's Painless Series» are textbook supplements especially designed to remove the painful aspects of classroom instruction and transform learning into fun.»


  2. Amilo

    Amilo Леонтий Т.

    В общем нормально.

  3. Breast

    Breast Валерий А.



    SURGIAN Валентин Г.


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