Perspective for Painters

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Jamba, 28 июн 2014.

  1. Jamba

    Jamba Никифор

    Perspective for Painters


    Издательство: Dover Publications
    Жанр: Dover Publications

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 144
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    knowledge of perspective is invaluable to any painter working in a realistic style. Systems of perspective can be applied by mechanical techniques or by freehand. Since the best approach for the beginner is to learn basic mechanical drawing methods, the reader is shown how to work out these systems with drafting tools. Once these are understood, they can be applied to freehand work, so that the artist has a great deal of control when representing objects in space. The book demonstrates the essentials of perspective drawing through the use of colour sketches and overlays, accompanied by finished paintings. This system is then applied to actual in-the-field painting situations that cover a broad range of subjects: landscape, still life, interiors, figures, and portraits. Authors Howard Etter and Margit Malmstrom, both working artists, present this often intimidating subject in a non-threatening manner especially geared to the beginning or intermediate artist. Howard Etter is a painter, architectural delineator, and design consultant. He has had extensive experience teaching perspective for both architects and artists. Margit Malmstrom is the author of three Watson-Guptill titles on clay sculpture.


  2. Mirage

    Mirage Харитон Е.

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