Pictures of Lily

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем McWind, 15 апр 2016.

  1. McWind

    McWind Андрей Г.

    Toon Paige
    Pictures of Lily


    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Жанр: Simon and Schuster

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 432
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    16-year-old Lily has just moved to Australia, dragged by her lovesick mum to the other side of the world. She's desperately homesick, away from her friends and life in London. Then she meets 26-year-old Ben. Despite the age difference, they have a lot in common. Ben is gorgeous, protective of her, teaching her to drive and encouraging her love of photography. But when Lily suddenly discovers that he is engaged to a woman back in England, she is heartbroken and Ben, despite having feelings for Lily, follows his head and not his heart back to England to marry. Fast-forward ten years and Lily is living in Sydney, working as a receptionist for a magazine publishing company, her dreams of being a photographer abandoned. When her boyfriend, the cool and confident Richard, proposes to her at the reception of their friends' wedding she says yes. Lily has never got over Ben, but thoughts of him consume her, turning him into an almost mythical figure — the one that got away — and now that she's going to get married, she feels like he's lost to her forever. Then one day she is amazed to bump into Ben. When he tells her that his marriage broke down five years ago, something stops her from telling him that she's engaged. But Lily will have to make a decision — will she go with her heart?


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