Purcell and Elmslie

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Bloomzo, 21 апр 2016.

  1. Bloomzo

    Bloomzo Митрофан Ш.

    Patricia Gebhard
    Purcell and Elmslie


    Издательство: Daedalus Books
    Жанр: Daedalus Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 192
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Purcell and Elmslie: Prairie Progressives explores the work of two important members of the organic architecture movement, and celebrates their tremendously important contributions to American architecture and the Prairie School. Wishing to return to simplicity and honesty, Purcell and Elmslie created homes and buildings that were consistent with a democratic society-simple forms, the natural use of textural materials and decoration, and buildings that accommodated the nature of a site. As did Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, Purcell and Elmslie held the conviction that a building does not end with its simple structure, but reaches its final and logical culmination in the clothing-color, situation and natural environment, together with its decoration of glass, terra-cotta, and other textural materials. The firm of Purcell and Elmslie was tremendously successful in the sense that their small open-planned free-flowing houses could be shared by a great number of Americans of moderate means. Projects discussed in this book can be found throughout the Midwest, including Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, North Dakota, Illinois, Wisconsin, and more. The time has come to recognize the work of these progressive architects of the Midwest. Purcell and Elmslie: Prairie Progressives includes: Comprehensive biographies of George Grant Elmslie and William Gray Purcell, The Work of the Firm, The Domestic and Non-Domestic, Work of Purcell, Feick and Elmslie, Work after the Firm Broke Up, The Late Work of Purcell and Elmslie, A Catalog of Major Projects.


  2. Crediz

    Crediz Ростислав Т.

    Очень полезная книга, спасибо!

  3. Bloomzo

    Bloomzo Митрофан Ш.

    Всегда пожалуйста!

  4. Crediz

    Crediz Ростислав Т.

    Я не вам, я про автора/издательство!

  5. FreeJabber

    FreeJabber Константин

    Хех... :)

  6. Alseo

    Alseo Прокофий


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