Pushkin Threefold

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Advegin, 26 апр 2014.

  1. Advegin

    Advegin Игнатий

    Pushkin A.
    Pushkin Threefold


    Издательство: Ardis
    Жанр: Ardis

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 512
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Translated by Bollingen Prize winner Walter Arndt, Pushkin Threefold is the acclaimed edition of Pushkin's poems that includes three versions of each poem — the original Russian, a close translation into English, and a poetic verse translation reproducing as faithfully as possible the form, spirit, and flavor of the original. This indispensable volume contains 74 shorter poems; 'Tsar Nikita and His Forty Daughters'; 'The Bridegroom'; 'Count Nulin'; 'Tsar Saltan'; 'The Bronze Horseman'; and 22 stanzas from Eugene Onegin.


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