Reinvent: A Leader's Playbook for Serial Success

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Izorrr, 15 фев 2015.

  1. Izorrr

    Izorrr Родион Б.

    Hassan Fred
    Reinvent: A Leader's Playbook for Serial Success


    Издательство: Wiley
    Жанр: Wiley

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 224
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Leadership principles from a master of the business turnaround In Reinvent, renowned CEO and business leader Fred Hassan explains how to transform a struggling business into a raging success by reinventing the culture, attitude, and behaviors of organizations and people. Leaders who want to change cultures and individuals need a cool head, a clear vision, and a well-refined ability to inspire that change. Here, Hassan explains how a productive organizational culture leads to real success. The first part of the book focuses on how you, as a leader, can unleash your full powers by learning to be authentic, purposeful, and connected with your organization. The second part of the book focuses on groups, how to lead them, how to be a role model for the effort you expect, and how to keep winning and innovating. Taken together, these principles fuel smarter strategies, more effective execution, and better governance. Features practical, proven guidance appropriate for every business leader in any industry Ideal for corporate executives, managers, team leaders, human resources professionals, board members, and consultants Written by a renowned public speaker and former CEO known for turning around struggling companies Revealing how you can make culture your secret weapon, Reinvent is the perfect tool for business leaders in highly competitive industries.


    • reinvent.pdf
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      2 749 КБ
    • reinvent.fb2
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      1 203 КБ
    • reinvent.epub
      Размер файла:
      531 КБ
  2. Yanek

    Yanek Кантемир А.

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    Povar Вадим Г.


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