Rip van Winkle

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Ubiwator, 28 ноя 2013.

  1. Ubiwator

    Ubiwator Игорь

    Irving Washington
    Rip van Winkle


    Издательство: Wordsworth
    Жанр: Wordsworth

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 176
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «Rip van Winkle is an amiable man whose home and farm suffer from his lazy neglect; a familiar figure about the village, he is loved by all except his wife. One autumn day he escapes her nagging to wander up into the mountains, and there after drinking some liquor offered to him by a band of very strange folk, he settles down under a shady tree and falls asleep. He wakes up twenty years later and returns to his village to find that not only is his wife dead but war and revolution have changed many things. He, on the other hand, although older is not appreciably wiser and soon slips back into his idle habits. Three equally compelling stories, «The Spectre Bridegroom», «The Pride of the Village» and «Mountjoy», complete this collection of classic tales from the inspired pen of Washington Irving, one of America's greatest writers.»


  2. Vally

    Vally Платон

    Так себе писание...

  3. Timlar

    Timlar Евгений Б.


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