Russian Politics: Challenges of Democratization

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Droiver, 5 фев 2016.

  1. Droiver

    Droiver Данил

    Russian Politics: Challenges of Democratization


    Издательство: Cambridge University Press
    Жанр: Cambridge University Press

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 276
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    What went wrong in Russia's decade-old post-communist transition? A group of leading young scholars answer this question by offering assessments of five crucial political arenas during the Yeltsin era: elections, executive-legislative relations, interactions between the central state and the regions, economic reforms, and civil-military relations. All of the contributors recognize that adverse historical legacies have complicated Russian democratization. They challenge structural explanations that emphasize constraints of the pre-existing system, however, and concentrate instead on the importance of elite decisions and institution-building. The authors agree that elites' failure to develop robust political institutions has been a central problem of Russia's post-communist transition. The weakness of the state and its institutions has contributed to a number of serious problems threatening democratic consolidation. These include the tensions between the executive and the legislature, the frail infrastructure for successful market reform, and the absence of proper civilian control over the armed forces.


  2. Ferdyk

    Ferdyk Станислав

    Спасибо за ваш труд!

  3. Droiver

    Droiver Данил


  4. Credo

    Credo Платон


  5. Droiver

    Droiver Данил

    Чуть выше, если что, есть кнопочка Спасибо. Можно на нее нажать. :)

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