Selected Lives

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Nuuss, 23 окт 2014.

  1. Nuuss

    Nuuss Роман

    Selected Lives


    Издательство: Wordsworth
    Жанр: Wordsworth

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 896
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    «Plutarch of Chaeronea is one of the great storytellers of antiquity, a writer whose ability to create unforgettable scenes matches the grandeur of his subject matter. The heroes of his «Lives» were the great men of antiquity, often greatly flawed, but with tragic depth and epic stature. Thomas North's translation, one of the most splendid works of sixteenth-century English prose, presents a vigorous and passionate version of the «Lives» whose qualities so attracted Shakespeare that he used North as his major source for Julius Caesar, Coriolanus and Antony & Cleopatra. This collection includes all the Lives which Shakespeare used and a selection of others which aim to show the variety and range of Plutarch's writing.»


  2. Oglar

    Oglar Георгий Францев


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