Something Borrowed

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем NIKODIM, 3 май 2016.


    NIKODIM Валерий Х.

    Paul Magrs
    Something Borrowed


    Издательство: Headline Publishing
    Жанр: Headline Publishing

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 400
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Brenda must face her demons, but first she needs to get to the bottom of the sinister goings-on that threaten to overcome an all-too-quiet seaside town. When poison pen letters start flying around the quiet lanes of Whitby, trouble is in store for Brenda and Effie. And with Jessie the Zombie Womanzee, trips down memory lane and amorous ghoul hunting, literary minded and strangely youthful professors of Icelandic history, as well as a terrifying encounter with bamboo wickerwork gods from the dawn of time, even Brenda’s ample cup is running over. But her most challenging battle is the one she must fight with herself – or, at least, parts of herself...


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