Tau Zero

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Asetrik, 14 июн 2014.

  1. Asetrik

    Asetrik Тихон

    Tau Zero


    Издательство: Orion Books
    Жанр: Orion Books

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 190
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Fifty men and women set out in the twenty-third century from Earth aboard an interstellar craft to travel to a planet some thirty light-years away. The ship will approach the speed of light and so (as Einstein predicted) subjective time on board will slow and so the journey of several decades will be of much shorter duration for the crew. But the ship's deceleration system is irreparably damaged when it hits a cloud of interstellar dust and acceleration continues toward light speed, tau zero. Soon the ship is speeding through galaxies and eons are passing on board the ship in the blink of an eye ...


    • tau-zero.pdf
      Размер файла:
      2 330 КБ
    • tau-zero.fb2
      Размер файла:
      1 019 КБ
    • tau-zero.epub
      Размер файла:
      449 КБ
  2. Vigaro

    Vigaro Федор Н.


  3. Unwell

    Unwell Григорий Фросин

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