The Enemy

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Serrgo, 27 апр 2015.

  1. Serrgo

    Serrgo Ярослав Сазонов

    Lee Child
    The Enemy


    Издательство: Transworld Publishers
    Жанр: Transworld Publishers

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 389
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    You're in the army now, son... New Year's Day, 1990. The Berlin Wall is coming down. The Cold War is ending. Soon America won't have any enemies left. The army won't have anybody to fight. Things are going to change. Jack Reacher is the Military Police duty officer on a base in North Carolina when he takes a call reporting a dead soldier in a hot-sheets motel. Reacher tells the local cops to handle it — heart attacks happen all the time I don't know but I've been told.. But why is Reacher in North Carolina, instead of Panama, where the action is? Then the dead man turns out to have been a two-star general who should have been in Europe. And when Reacher goes to the general's house to break the news, he finds another corpse: the general's wife. What is he dealing with here? The last echoes of the old world...Or the first shocks of the new? Lee Child's new stomach-churning, palm-sweating thriller turns back the clock to Jack Reacher's army days. For the first time we meet a younger Reacher, a Reacher not yet disillusioned with military life. A Reacher with family. A Reacher in dogtags and starched uniform who imposes army discipline, if only in his own pragmatic way. A Reacher as far from the no-credit card, no-last-known-address drifter of the previous eight novels as is possible to imagine.


    • the-enemy.pdf
      Размер файла:
      4 778 КБ
    • the-enemy.fb2
      Размер файла:
      2 094 КБ
    • the-enemy.epub
      Размер файла:
      927 КБ

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