The Family

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Skeys, 13 апр 2015.

  1. Skeys

    Skeys Вадим К.

    Cole Martina
    The Family


    Издательство: Headline Publishing
    Жанр: Headline Publishing

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 592
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    Devastatingly powerful and utterly unforgettable, THE FAMILY will hook you in from the very first page, and keep you there till the very last. Phillip Murphy is a family man. He worships his old mum; he takes care of his siblings who help run his business empire; he dotes on his two young sons who will one day take over. And then there's his wife and saviour Christine, whom he loves with a vengeance. To Phillip Murphy, family is everything. Christine has always understood this about her husband. But there is another side to Phillip, and it's a side he never wanted his wife to see. Though even if she did, could she do anything but stand by him? Because Phillip has rules, and he expects loyalty from his nearest and dearest. Once you're in the family, you're in it for life.


    • the-family.pdf
      Размер файла:
      7 275 КБ
    • the-family.fb2
      Размер файла:
      3 190 КБ
    • the-family.epub
      Размер файла:
      1 414 КБ
  2. SportLemon

    SportLemon Корней

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