The Great Fire of London

Тема в разделе "Иностранная литература", создана пользователем Bravchik, 29 мар 2015.

  1. Bravchik

    Bravchik Афанасий

    Clements Gillian
    The Great Fire of London


    Издательство: Hodder&Stoughton
    Жанр: Hodder and Stoughton

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 48
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    The great events of British history are part of our shared heritage and it is important that children know the facts behind the famous dates from a young age. In this series, Gillian Clements tells the stories of some of these events through a lively combination of text and illustration (including some speech bubbles, labelled maps etc). In this way she makes history child-friendly and accessible but still manages to incorporate, wherever possible, primary source material (such as eyewitness accounts and documentary evidence). THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON retells the events leading up to the fire of 1666 and its consequences. THE GUNPOWDER PLOT looks at the reasons for the plan to blow up the houses of Parliament in 1605, and the key figures involved including Guy Fawkes. Each book has been thoroughly checked by a history educationalist for accuracy, language levels and appropriate content, and a timeline and glossary are included. These simple, gently-humorous stories give readers the information they need and encourage the development of a real sense of history and how it works.


  2. Tonyo

    Tonyo Герасим

    Спасибо за книгу.

  3. Bravchik

    Bravchik Афанасий


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