The Tale of the Body Thief

Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем BulatSa, 4 апр 2016.

  1. BulatSa

    BulatSa Виталий Муравлев

    Anne Rice
    The Tale of the Body Thief


    Издательство: Random House, Inc.
    Жанр: Random House, Inc.

    Качество: Хорошее
    Страниц: 400
    Формат: pdf, fb2, epub

    In Miami, 1992, a tropical garden of a city where corruption pulses beneath the lush surface is the perfect city for a vampire. Yet Lestat — hero, rock star, incorrigible seducer and the most powerful and sensual vampire of them all — prowls this savage garden in desperate misery. Restlessly pursuing the mystery of his dark existence, Lestat yearns to think, breathe and feel as a man, free of his nightmare immortality. When, stalked in his turn by the only creature able to grant his desire, Lestat rashly seizes the chance. While the Body Thief, cloaked in Lestat's immortal powers, lays a trail of carnage across America and the Caribbean, Lestat himself is abandoned to the fragility of human life, and discovers that a mortal body is no fit receptacle for a vampire's soul. Rejected by the other vampires, a tormented and appallingly vulnerable Lestat is forced to seek human help to recover his vampire self; help he abuses unforgivably when, in a mesmerizing climax, he succumbs to the basest urge in any nature.


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