Typodarium 2013 Издательство: Index Book Жанр: Index Book Качество: Хорошее Страниц: 384 Формат: pdf, fb2, epub TYPODARIUM is the daily dose of typography. A tear-off calendar, just like the one our grandma used to hang in the kitchen. But this calendar unveils a new font everyday. We can therefore have, a whole year long, the chance to broaden our knowledge, to discover the font's history and developement, to possess a piece of jewellery that is new everyday. On the front, the font will be prominently displayed, and on the back it will be described in details. How it originated, from what or who came the inspiration and where we can obtain the font. TYPODARIUM makes you addicted to type! Those, who get their daily dose of type inspiration from this type calendar with its fresh type designs, know it very well as well as the juries around the world who awarded TYPODARIUM several times. For 2013 again, the editors collected typographic curiosities and high-quality typefaces to give your daily life a wide font diversity.